I have successfully filled 3 of my ridiculously large amount of off hours (3 most days, 4 some days). So my schedule now looks something like this:
Calc II (which is awesome)
AP Lang
Lunch (at 10? Really?)
Concert Orchestra (bass!)
Symphonic Orchestra (cello!)
Physics (I almost just typed "Psychics"...hmmm.)
L2k (on Mondays, Thursdays, and every other Tuesday)
TA for Drama (On Wednesdays, Fridays, and every other Tuesday)
But 4th hour...gah. There's no point in me driving home, because I live far away and have no money for gas, and I can't stand the lunch room. I really couldn't take another hour with Mrs. Harrison, bless her. I suppose I could TA for Mrs. Stacks, but I think that that, too, would drive me crazy. So I asked some of the Math II teachers if I could help them out and possibly tutor students who are having a hard time, so hopefully I'll be doing that soon. Unfortunately, I don't know a single one of the approximately 7 teachers who are teaching math that hour, as I never had to take math I, II, or III at Legacy and the teacher I had for Trig already has a TA. Hmmm. We'll see how that works out.
In other news, I'm doing tech for the musical again, and I'm starting to feel excited. I always hate a show for the first week or so, but then after that I look forward to it. So that's definitely a good thing. Also, there's a deaf girl in the drama class I'm "TA"ing for (Mr. Linblad said I don't have to actually TA, it's just the only way I'm allowed to be part of the class) and I was working with her today. She seemed really nice, but it's hard to have a normal conversation since we have to talk through her translator, who I assume has to be with her almost all day every day. It's interesting to hear her speak, because she can, it's just very difficult to understand exactly what she's saying.